TOPIC and/or SITUATION JOKES: See the PriceTopic and/or Situation Jokes Price: $499
Give us the subject and we’ll craft several winning jokes you can use. An example might be that you’re working in New York City and you want some opening NYC lines. Or the audience is tax professionals and you need some jokes on that subject. And don’t forget, you’ll have total ownership of these jokes for the next time you’re in that situation.
ONE HOUR SKYPE COACHING: See the PriceOne Hour Skype Coaching Price: $499
60 minutes of coaching with at least two of the FunnierU faculty. You direct the content and direction of this call. Ask us anything you want. Collaborate on material or generate ideas, it’s your dime.
PROGRAM PUNCH-UP: See the PriceProgram Punch-Up Price: $4,999
We take your program (audio, video, a script) and “funny-it-up” with jokes, anecdotes, delivery tips, and other ideas. Material is submitted to FunnierU in advance. We review, brainstorm, and then share our ideas with you on an hour-long Skype call.
IN-PERSON COACHING: See the PriceIn-Person Coaching Price: $12,500; air travel is your responsibility
Invest in a day and a half with all three creators of FunnierU in Tucson, Arizona. A totally personalized “three-on-one” experience. Your materials are submitted in advance. Time is spent on material, delivery, and the overall speaking business. Additional time devoted to topics of your choice. This will be a comprehensive training program on making you funnier and making you better on stage. Also receive a free year of membership into FunnierU. Hotel, meals, and ground transportation covered.
GROUP RETREAT: See the PriceGroup Retreat Price: $2,999 Per Participant
A group event with all three creators of FunnierU in Tucson, Arizona. Limited to twelve participants. A complete walk through on how to find funny, write funny, and deliver funny. Each participant receives a free year of membership into FunnierU.
All travel expenses the responsibility of the participants. One evening meal, meeting site & refreshments provided. Meeting location will be hotel site with a group rate negotiated. Date to be announced.